
Traditional Japanese Karate

Karate for all people                                                                         

Traditional Japanese karate is suitable for all people, of all ages, and levels of fitness. It’s not just physical training, but mental training as well. The level and nature of the physical activity is adjusted to suit the individual. We have people aged in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s training with us, as well as teenagers and young adults. We don’t expect a 50 year-old to be as agile and flexible as a 20 year-old, nor a 13 year-old to be as strong as a 30 year-old.

Our goal

Australia Kei Shin Kan Karate Federation is a not-for-profit organisation. Our goal is to promote traditional karate-do in Australia. Our aim is to encourage the development and growth of an individual through Karate training under Shihan Uchida and the instructors.

Through consistent and continual dedication to training in the art of Karate-do on both the physical and spiritual level, you will see improvements in your mind set, endurance and strength over years.

Our focus

  • Developing self-discipline, patience, confidence and respect for others;
  • Improving concentration, mental alertness, and mental agility;
  • Improving physical health, flexibility and wellbeing;
  • Development of speed, power, timing, accuracy and effective breathing techniques;
  • Learning correct basic techniques, kata, controlled sparing and self-defence.
  • Understanding and developing the traditional spirit of Karate Do.                                         

Kei Shin Kan Karate Do has dojos internationally and nationally, with Australian dojos located in New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania.

Introductory Course

First lesson free plus 4 weeks for $49.
Find out more about our introductory course

We welcome you to contact us if you are seeking further information.